Saturday 2 May 2009

Am I under achieving?!

I really feel quite small in my accomplishments sometimes...well a lot of the time. I mean, I'm happy with what I've done over the years. Been travelling, got a degree, got a post grad diploma, worked with a reputable publishing company, but some people really make you feel you've achieved almost nothing.

Last night I was cruising through the website of this guy I've been working with who is exactly as I described above. He's a little younger than me (early twenties) and he's worked/working with some of the top names in the my field and profession. He has a degree and masters, and while studying was news editor for a top magazine. He turns up to work, writes a blog, writes features for work and other publications, podcast, vodcast, turn up to conferences, give talks, wrote a book...yes, wrote a bloody book!! And still has time to spend with his girlfriend. And he's a nice guy who is good at what he does.

But he makes me feel so small. It's like watching the football and a 17 year old comes on who's amazing. I then think back to what I was doing when I was 17. The answer. Skating, going out drinking, having girlfriends, going to school and that's it.

Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself because I'm still looking for a job, couch surfing, hungover and tired. And this stupid government got us into this damned recession which has made it hard for me to get a damned job. I don't know. I mean, I know there are people out there who are in much worse of situations but we are all on the same planet. Maybe I should just dwell on my thoughts and in the morning sort out a game plan and do it. Less mopeing around and more pro-activeness. Get out there into the big bad world. I'm making my dreams happen, they aren't going to fall out of the sky and land on my lap are they? I mean, this guy who I mentioned above, he's a go getter, he does it. He doesn't just sit on his hands and expect things to happen. I'm not saying I do that, but maybe it's time for me to just go out and get my hands dirty. I want something to say when people ask me what I've been doing. This is it. This is my testament and I'm going to do it.

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