Saturday 2 May 2009

Am I under achieving?!

I really feel quite small in my accomplishments sometimes...well a lot of the time. I mean, I'm happy with what I've done over the years. Been travelling, got a degree, got a post grad diploma, worked with a reputable publishing company, but some people really make you feel you've achieved almost nothing.

Last night I was cruising through the website of this guy I've been working with who is exactly as I described above. He's a little younger than me (early twenties) and he's worked/working with some of the top names in the my field and profession. He has a degree and masters, and while studying was news editor for a top magazine. He turns up to work, writes a blog, writes features for work and other publications, podcast, vodcast, turn up to conferences, give talks, wrote a book...yes, wrote a bloody book!! And still has time to spend with his girlfriend. And he's a nice guy who is good at what he does.

But he makes me feel so small. It's like watching the football and a 17 year old comes on who's amazing. I then think back to what I was doing when I was 17. The answer. Skating, going out drinking, having girlfriends, going to school and that's it.

Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself because I'm still looking for a job, couch surfing, hungover and tired. And this stupid government got us into this damned recession which has made it hard for me to get a damned job. I don't know. I mean, I know there are people out there who are in much worse of situations but we are all on the same planet. Maybe I should just dwell on my thoughts and in the morning sort out a game plan and do it. Less mopeing around and more pro-activeness. Get out there into the big bad world. I'm making my dreams happen, they aren't going to fall out of the sky and land on my lap are they? I mean, this guy who I mentioned above, he's a go getter, he does it. He doesn't just sit on his hands and expect things to happen. I'm not saying I do that, but maybe it's time for me to just go out and get my hands dirty. I want something to say when people ask me what I've been doing. This is it. This is my testament and I'm going to do it.

Sunday 15 February 2009

It's been about two week since I made my first post about looking for a job, so I thought I would write an update on how I'm doing.

I looked at my bank balance yesterday and panicked when I saw £9.82 starring back at me. I have half term now and £50 in savings that will have to see me over till April, if not longer really as I won't get paid till the month after I do my work in Bristol.

I haven't really applied for any jobs yet. There's an application for one in for tomorrow which I should really be working on but got a bit tired of it earlier on. There isn't much else to do apart from a personal statement which I could just copy from a previous covering letter. I wonder how long it will be before I...I...I can't be bothered. Can't be bothered to write anymore that is. I'm off to apply for jobs...wish me luck!

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Getting my first job and a good rant

So this is my first blog, EVER. And to be honest I'm only doing it because the ever watchful eye of my course tutor is gazing down upon me, and it's and assignment. This blog is to tell everyone about how I'm going to get my first real job in the world, as a journalist. That's right a journo.

Most people think of the film 'Green Street' with that Frodo guy from Lord of the Rings. "I fucking hate journo's" is what I distinctly remember someone saying from the film. 

So anyway, what springs to mind when I think of first time jobs is: Lehman Brothers, HBOS, RBS, rising unemployment, job cuts, recruitment freeze, recession, credit crunch, 400 000 students graduating this year into the worst state Britain's economy has been in for over 100 years. Jesus, it's all a bit shit to be honest. (I know, I could have done tbh but I fucking hate abbreviations like that. Especially lol! I heard some stupid muppet say "I fully lol'ed man" - what and arse hole) 

Moving on. My first job. I guess it's all about firing out my amazing CV (feel free to contact me if you want to give me a job) and typing up 'oh so lovely' covering letters, which everyone enjoys. I guess employers will pay new recruits less which I have going for me. Persistence and positivity are going to have to be key, but money is wearing thin. At this stage I'm thinking of applying for any job that pays well and keep up my writing on the side. 

I have a few side projects on the go, a bit of freelance work booked in. Everyone else on my course is doing more work experience when they finish the course. Maybe I should do that. Or even better, go on the doll, join the 2 million unemployed and sponge of the government. 

Hell, even if I don't end up journalizing on my first job, there's always my blog to write. If I can be arsed that is.