Sunday 15 February 2009

It's been about two week since I made my first post about looking for a job, so I thought I would write an update on how I'm doing.

I looked at my bank balance yesterday and panicked when I saw £9.82 starring back at me. I have half term now and £50 in savings that will have to see me over till April, if not longer really as I won't get paid till the month after I do my work in Bristol.

I haven't really applied for any jobs yet. There's an application for one in for tomorrow which I should really be working on but got a bit tired of it earlier on. There isn't much else to do apart from a personal statement which I could just copy from a previous covering letter. I wonder how long it will be before I...I...I can't be bothered. Can't be bothered to write anymore that is. I'm off to apply for jobs...wish me luck!